Honestly, your comment to the article reads very aggressively. I am not taking sides on AH and JD as I am afraid you might quickly judge me to be the supporter of the person that you have identified as the abuser. I was in a relationship with a covert narcissist for many years and psychologically abused into oblivion, so I am not speaking without experience here. It seems like you are the one who is doing the gaslighting but that is how I perceive abuse. You are trying to convince everyone to see things the way you do using universal language, like millions of others are supporting your point of view and therefor it must be true? We are all different and perceive things differently, I believe that was one of the points of the other article. I do find this pretty common in this AH/JD case that one is not allowed to say anything questionably positive about the person that has been labeled the abuser by media. We weren't there, so the benefit of the doubt remains in my mind.